News Update: John McCain – David Duke Alliance

•February 28, 2008 • 14 Comments

This just in: Chances of this alliance are looking much better. There are no constitutional provisions barring Dr. David Duke, a felon from becoming VP. AS the Vice President Candidate he would, however, have to convince enough voters to vote for the McCain-Duke ticket and persuade the voters that his criminal record was not an indication of their character.

We have started an online petition that we will send to John McCain showing our support for a McCain-Duke 2008 Alliance. Please go now and sign it HERE.

God Bless America and the American Dream Team of McCain-Duke 2008.

The Duke is back in the Political Arena

•February 28, 2008 • 9 Comments

That would be Dr. David Duke – has recently appeared in the race for Baton Rouge’s open congressional seat, in an advertisement: David Duke’s Name Enters GOP Congressional Race.  Could this be the door opening for a John McCain – David Duke 2008 ticket? 

The Hillary Clinton Feminists and Barack “The Magic Negro” Hussein Obama supporters better hope not. Everything a McCain-Duke ticket offers would stand directly opposite of the Socialist – Marxist views those crack pots stand for.  True Americans, the ones who actually love this country and want to defend it, would vote them out in a landslide.

 Yeah, we know it’s not likely to happen due to the current legislation but on the off chance that we can overturn this legislation and make The American Dream Team a reality, it is a nice dream.

Survey says McCain Likely to Beat Democrats in November

•February 28, 2008 • 6 Comments


Polls say McCain will beat Clinton in the general election 46 percent to 40 percent, and he would beat by Obama 44 percent to 42 percent.

Visit: American Research Group

Poll: GOP frontman ‘stronger leader’

Blog: McCain Wins in New Poll

Poll: McCain Beats Hillary, Obama in November

The American Dream Team

•February 26, 2008 • 2 Comments

We are aware that at this time it is legally impossible for Dr. David Duke to run as Vice President.  However, it is our dream to see the laws changed and his Vice Presidency along side fellow War hero John S. McCain made a reality. Currently we are gathering signatures to petition the highest courts to overrule the law that prohibits Dr. Duke from becoming the next Vice President of this United States.

Both John McCain and David Duke represent the values and high morals required to run our great nation.  We feel that as a team the current Illegal Immigration influx into our mother land would come to a halt. We also believe that their stance against special rioghts for homosexuals, abortion, and welfare will vastly change for the better and suit the needs of the Republican Christian American Dream. 

John S. McCain – Commander in Chief, United States President

John McCain attended the United States Naval Academy and graduated in 1958. He was married in 1965. He became a naval aviator, flying attack aircraft from carriers. During the Vietnam War in 1967, he narrowly escaped death in the Forrestal fire

 On Christmas Eve 1968, a church servicefor the POWs was staged for photographers and film cameras; McCain defied North Vietnamese instructions to be quiet, speaking out details of his treatment then shouting “Fu-u-u-u-ck you, you son of a bitch!” and giving the finger whenever a camera was pointed at him.[69] McCain refused to meet with various anti-war peace groups coming to Hanoi, such as those led by David Dellinger, Tom Hayden, and Rennie Davis, not wanting to give either them or the North Vietnamese a propaganda victory based on his connection to his father.[52]

On his twenty-third bombing mission over North Vietnam later in 1967, he was shot down and badly injured. He then endured five and a half years as a prisoner of war, including periods of torture, before he was released following the Paris Peace Accords in 1973.

Retiring from the Navy in 1981, and moving to Arizona, McCain remarried and entered politics. In 1982, he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Arizona’s 1st congressional district. After serving two terms there, he was elected to the U.S. Senate from Arizona in 1986. He was re-elected Senator in 1992, 1998, and 2004.

Dr. David Duke – Vice President

  • Received his BA in History in 1974 from LSU.
  • Won the ROTC Outstanding Basic Cadet Award at LSU out of a field of 3,000. Achieved highest rank possible for any basic cadet.
  • Worked for the U.S. State Department in Laos during the Vietnam War where he instructed anticommunist Laotian military officers. He won the “Most Respected Instructor Award.” Also volunteered on missions with Air America to supply the anticommunist forces.
  • Awarded a scholarship for studies at the Goethe Institute in Salzburg, Austria.
  • Appointed by Gov. George Wallace as an Honorary Colonel in his state militia. He has been the recipient of over 35 patriotic awards, including the Patrick Henry Award from the World anticommunist Federation.
  • Has lectured at Universities in the U.S. and abroad, including Oxford and Cambridge in England, Harvard, USC, Vanderbilt and many others.
  • In 1975, Dr. David Duke sought a seat in the Louisiana Senate as a Democrat. In 1988, he ran in the President of the United States. He appeared on many state ballots as the nominee of the Populist Party and received an outstanding number of votes in the 1988 general election.

  • David Duke was elected in 1989 and served as a member of the House of Representatives and was a full participating member of the Republican Legislative Delegation. He served on Committees: Health and Welfare, and Judiciary.
  • Authored landmark conservative legislation, including House Bill 1013 (1990), the first anti­affirmative action challenge passed by a legislative body in America.
  • He was recently elected to Chairmanship of the Republican Parish Executive Committee of the largest Republican parish (county) in Louisiana. (St. Tammany RPEC, At-Large Representative, term 1996-2000)
  • 2000 – Current President of European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO), an organization dedicated to protecting the rights and heritage of people of European descent in America and around the world.
  • August 2002, David Duke receives honorary doctorate in political science from President’s University of Kiev, Ukraine.